This is a Ukrainian manufacturer – Rubizhne Hosiery Manufactory, which before the war produced more than 100 items of summer, demi-season and winter products.
This was reported in the investment policy department of Lviv OVA.
The manufactory produced 2 million pairs of socks and other hosiery annually. As a result of the constant shelling, the production stopped, the premises of the shop and equipment were burned by the Russians, all products were looted, and the management decided to evacuate the workers and their families to a safer place.
“Before the war, about 160 people worked in the industry. 27 employees are ready to move to Lviv region, the owners of the manufactory plan to create 48 additional jobs by the end of the year, which is very important considering the number of temporarily displaced people in Lviv region, ”the department explains.
They did not manage to take anything with them from the occupied territory, but the business owners did not give up and decided to start all over again in Lviv region. Previously, the manufactory exported hosiery to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Moldova and the Netherlands.
The mood of the company’s management remains combative, after the victory they plan to leave the newly created company in Lviv, and in Rubizhne to eventually restore what they lost.
It should be noted that in the Lviv region there is a program to support business during martial law, which will be an auxiliary tool for economic initiatives implemented by the state. We are talking about financial assistance to businesses that have moved to Lviv region or operate in our region.