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A 40-year-old resident of Lviv district offered to buy a “white ticket” for a person liable for military service for USD 18 thousand

18 thousand dollars for a “white ticket” – law enforcement officers detained an offender in Lviv region

For this amount, a 40-year-old resident of Lviv district promised her “client”, a man of military age, to organise the production of documents that would make him unfit for military service. The man intended to leave Ukraine in the future.

The suspect was exposed by investigators of the Serious Crimes Investigation Department (detectives) of the Lviv Police Investigation Department jointly with the SBU Military Counterintelligence Department, under the procedural supervision of the Specialised Defence Prosecutor’s Office of the Western Region.

Law enforcement officers detained the offender in Lviv in accordance with Art. 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine after she received USD 18 thousand from a “client”.

The detainee was served a notice of suspicion of committing a criminal offence stipulated by Part 3 Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine). The article provides for imprisonment for a term of up to nine years with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years, with confiscation of property.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing, the issue of choosing a type of detention is being decided.

Lviv regional police communication department

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