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Two dead and two injured as a result of a collision between a car and a locomotive in the village of Obroshino, Lviv district

As the investigators of the transport crime investigation department of the Lviv Oblast Police found, the tragedy occurred because the 20-year-old driver of the BMW car grossly violated the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules, in particular, in the part of crossing railroad crossings.

The traffic accident happened on October 23 around 00:30 in the village of Obroshino, Lviv district.

For example, when driving through a regulated railway crossing, at which the prohibited traffic light signal was on at that time, as well as ignoring the “Stop” road sign, the driver of the “BMW” did not stop his vehicle and did not give way to the movement of the locomotive, which led to their collision , as a result of which two passengers of the passenger car, aged 20 and 21, died from their injuries at the scene. The driver of the car and his third 19-year-old passenger were taken to the intensive care unit with injuries. All the victims are men, residents of the Lviv district.

Investigators informed the driver of the BMW that he was suspected of having committed a crime under Part 3 of Article 286 (Violation of traffic safety rules or operation of transport by persons driving vehicles) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – deprivation of liberty for a term of five to ten years with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a term of up to three years.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

We will recall some of the provisions of the Road Traffic Act in the part of traffic through railway crossings:

20.2. When approaching the crossing, as well as starting the movement after stopping in front of it, the driver is obliged to follow the instructions and signals of the person on duty at the crossing, the position of the barrier, light and sound signaling, road signs and road markings, and also make sure that he is not approaching train (locomotive, train).

20.3. In order to pass an approaching train, and in other cases when movement through a railway crossing is prohibited, the driver must stop in front of road marking 1.12 (stop line), road sign 2.2, barrier or traffic light so that he can see the signals, and if the means of traffic organization there is no traffic – no closer than 10 m to the nearest rail.

20.5. Movement through the crossing is prohibited if:

c) the prohibition signal of the traffic light or sound signal is turned on, regardless of the presence and position of the barrier;

e) a train (locomotive, train) is approaching the crossing within the range of visibility.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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