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Two bribe-takers exposed by border guards of Lviv detachment

This is the 14th case since the beginning of the month of an attempt to provide illegal funds to border guards of the 7th Carpathian border guard detachment.

At the Krakivets checkpoint, border guards recorded two bribery attempts during the day.
A Georgian born in 1970 offered border guards 100 euros to get to Ukraine. The man was identified in one of the databases. It turned out that the foreigner was banned from entering Ukraine.

A woman born in 1979 in Cherkasy tried to give another UAH 1,000 and EUR 50 to influence the decision of border guards to allow her 25-year-old son to travel abroad.

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine has zero tolerance for corruption. Employees of the State Border Guard Service’s Internal Affairs Department informed the National Police about bribery of officials.

The offence is punishable under Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Offer, promise or giving of an unlawful benefit to an official”.

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