A 37-year-old man was found guilty of premeditated murder (Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) following a public indictment by prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
He was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
The prosecutor proved in court that the accused killed his friend in March of this year in Lviv.
That morning, the person involved was returning home from the post office. On the way, he met friends with whom he drank alcoholic beverages. The man invited the victim to his house to continue drinking alcohol, to which the latter agreed.
Already in the apartment, a dispute arose between the friends, during which the accused began to inflict numerous blows on the body and head of his guest. The man beat him with his hands and feet, as well as improvised means, a vegetable peeler and other kitchen utensils. The man died on the spot from his injuries. After that, the accused left the house, went to the nearest nearby shop and asked the shopkeepers to help him bury the dead body. Store employees called the police and an ambulance.
The accused is currently in custody.
The court verdict becomes legally binding after the expiry of the appeal period.
The pre-trial investigation was carried out by the investigators of the Main Department of the National Police of the region.
Department of Information Policy of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office