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In the Sokalshchyna, the prosecutor’s office wants to turn over the lands to the water fund, on which there is an autonomy of the recovery complex

The prosecutors of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office filed a summons to the court before a physical person about the release of a self-occupied land plot by way of the settlement of the booths, the opening of the lease agreement and the return of the land.

It has been established that a physical person is the landowner of a land lot, as recognized for rib production, with an area of 16 hectares. Spіrna dilyanka is located on the territory of the Sokal Territorial Community and is included in the category of land for the water fund, where the life of the dispute is fenced.

However, on the vozanіy dilyantsі orendar rozpochav samoіlne budіvnіtstvo budinkovіv vіdpochinku z terasami. I with a method to legitimize tsі samobudi by calling to the district court about the recognition of the right of power.

Prote, vyvchivshi legitimacy vyshchevkazannya decision of the district court, the prosecutor’s office filed an appeal skarga and the court ruled as unlawful.

Krіm tsgogo, trivaє judiciary’s view, schob usunut all violating the law, shkodo zvіlnenny samoіlnennya occupied dalyanka by the way of znesennja budinkіv vіdpochinku that turning the land of the community.

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Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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