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The police are establishing the identity of the offender who poured an unknown substance on a sculpture in Lviv’s Stryi Park

A criminal proceeding has been opened, the maximum punishment that threatens the perpetrator is imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

On August 22, the police received a report that someone poured an unknown substance on the sculpture “Confident” in Lviv’s Stryi Park.

Based on this fact, investigators of the Lviv District Police Department No. 1 opened criminal proceedings under part 1 of Article 296 (Hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum punishment provided for by the sanction of the article is restriction of freedom for a term of up to five years.

A pre-trial investigation is being conducted, the police are conducting a set of measures to establish the identity of the offender and bring him to justice.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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