Detention of a Suspect in Drug Distribution in Lviv
In Lviv, police officers uncovered a perpetrator suspected of distributing drugs and psychotropics. It has been established that the 41-year-old Lviv resident was distributing narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs using the \”hand-to-hand\” method in Lviv, as well as through postal shipments.
Detention Operation
The perpetrator was uncovered by criminal police operatives together with investigators from police department No. 2 of the Lviv district police department No. 2 and was detained on March 18 under article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine on Chervona Kalyna Avenue during the sale of the psychotropic substance Alpha-PVP.
Search and Evidence Seizure
During a sanctioned search at the suspect’s residence, police officers discovered and seized bundles and packages containing narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs, a mobile phone, and other material evidence of his involvement in illegal activity. All seized items were sent for research to the Lviv Research and Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
Investigators informed the detainee of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense under part 2 of article 307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, possession, transportation, shipment, or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The maximum penalty provided by the article’s sanction is imprisonment for up to ten years with confiscation of property.
Pre-trial investigation is ongoing.