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Propaganda of the inferiority of the Ukrainian people – a man was sentenced to 3 years in prison in Lviv

A 44-year-old native of Zaporizhzhia was found guilty of deliberate actions aimed at inciting national enmity and hatred, as well as humiliating national honor and dignity (Part 1, Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), according to a public indictment by the prosecutors of the Galician District Prosecutor’s Office of the city of Lviv. The court sentenced him to 3 years in prison.

Prosecutors proved in court that the convicted person published posts on his personal page on the Twitter social network propagandizing the inferiority of citizens of Ukrainian nationality compared to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Also, in his posts, the convict humiliated the national honor and dignity of the Ukrainian nation, its statehood and sovereignty.

Department of Information Policy

Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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