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She cooperated with the occupiers – an educator from Donetsk region is on trial in Lviv

Under the procedural guidance of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, an indictment against a citizen of Ukraine was sent to the court. She is accused of collaborative activity (Part 3 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

According to the investigation, the accused supported the aggression of the Russian Federation and cooperated with the occupiers.

The woman voluntarily accepted the offer and took the position of deputy director of a school in one of the cities of the Donetsk region.

In her position, the educator contributed to the implementation of education standards of the aggressor country. And also carried out propaganda in an educational institution with the aim of promoting armed aggression against Ukraine.

In particular, she claimed that there is no war, but only a “special military operation” is taking place; encouraged students to celebrate the “Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia”, etc.

The pre-trial investigation was carried out by the investigators of the SBU Office in the Lviv region.

Note: in accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is proven in a legal manner and established by a court verdict.

Department of Information Policy
Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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