As a result of the incident that happened on the street V. Velyky on Saturday evening, a man with stab wounds to the abdomen and chest was hospitalized at the hospital of St. Luke of the First Medical Association. Doctors immediately operated on the man and provided all the necessary assistance. The patient’s condition is now stable.
According to the hospital, the 41-year-old victim was transported by ambulance. He was found to have a penetrating wound to the abdomen and a non-penetrating wound to the chest wall on the left. He was immediately operated on and transferred to the intensive care unit. Yesterday, the patient’s condition improved, so he was transferred to the surgical department.
We will remind you that on Saturday evening on the street V. Veliky, a conflict arose between two residents of Lviv during a dog walk. A 70-year-old man stabbed a 41-year-old man twice in the chest and abdomen, causing serious injuries. The perpetrator was detained by the police, and the victim was hospitalized.