The other day, while patrolling on Stryyska Street, the inspectors noticed a Skoda Fabia car, the driver of which suddenly changed to another lane without turning on the turn signal, and almost ran into the car that was moving in front.
The security guards immediately gave the driver an audible signal to stop. Kermanych stopped and, waiting for the policeman to get out of the service vehicle, began to run away. The patrolmen immediately turned on the siren, flashing beacons of blue and red colors and rushed to catch up.
The driver, ignoring the policemen, continued driving at a high speed, repeatedly grossly violating traffic rules, thereby endangering himself and other road users. The situation was complicated by weather conditions.
Another crew patrolling the Kyiv-Chop highway joined the chase. He created an obstacle in the driver’s movement and the fugitive overtook her at high speed and continued his escape. After driving a few more kilometers, the driver lost control and crashed into a concrete curb, puncturing three wheels.
He could not drive far. The driver explained his actions that he did not want to receive a fine. The patrol officers found signs of alcohol intoxication in the 18-year-old driver. The Drager device showed a positive result — 1.90 ppm.
The inspectors drew up 3 reports on the driver, namely: according to Part 1 of Art. 130 (Driving a vehicle while intoxicated), Art. 124 (Violation of traffic rules that led to an accident) and Art. 122-2 (Non-fulfilment by the driver of the demand to stop) of the Criminal Procedure Code and all necessary case materials.