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Police open criminal proceedings over dog cruelty in Lviv

The offender who inflicted the fatal injuries has been identified. The maximum sentence he faces is imprisonment for up to three years.

On 26 September, the police received a report of a dog being cruelly treated on Shchyretska Street in Lviv.

An investigative team and officers from other services of the Police Department No. 1 of the Lviv District Police Department No. 2 immediately arrived at the address. In the yard of the house, the police found the corpse of a dog. It was preliminarily established that the animal had been killed with a wooden stick.

Law enforcement officers also identified the offender who inflicted the fatal injuries on the animal. It was an 84-year-old resident of Lviv.

Investigators of the territorial police unit opened criminal proceedings over the incident under Part 1 of Article 299 (Cruelty to animals) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of restriction of liberty for a term of one to three years or imprisonment for a term of two to three years with confiscation of the animal.

Forensic examinations have been ordered, the pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Lviv regional police communication department

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