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Four collaborators from the Kherson region will be tried in Lviv for collaborating with the occupiers

Under the procedural leadership of the Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office, in order to carry out special court proceedings, an indictment was sent to the court against four persons on the fact of collaborative activity (Part 7 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

It was established that from March to May 2022, during the occupation of the Kherson region, four citizens of Ukraine voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities of the Russian Federation.

The accused held positions of management (chief, deputy chief and head of the personnel division) of the illegal law enforcement agency – “Genicheskogo RO GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kherson region”, created on the territory of one of the temporarily occupied districts of the region.

These persons illegally carried out measures to recruit candidates and employees for an illegal law enforcement body, organized security for meetings held by the occupation administration, illegally detained citizens, and also performed other actions aimed at performing pseudo-law enforcement functions.

The pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings is carried out by the investigators of the Investigative Department of the State Government of the NP in the Lviv region under the operational support of the USR in the Lviv region of the DSR of the NP of Ukraine.

Note: in accordance with Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is proven in a legal manner and established by a court verdict.

Department of Information Policy
Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office

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