Site icon Voice of Sokal – news about Sokal, Chervonohrad

At the “Krakivets” police station, the border guards found marijuana in the passenger of the minibus

Tonight, border guards stopped a Volkswagen minibus for inspection at the Krakow checkpoint. The car was followed by a 32-year-old Ukrainian from a neighboring country.

During the inspection, a service dog trained to search for narcotic substances responded to our compatriot. So he was invited for an additional interview and inspection. As a result, the inspection team found two polyethylene packages with a substance of gray-green origin, which were among the personal belongings in the bag.

During the conversation, the citizen admitted that the detected substance was marijuana, which he tried to secretly move for personal use. The total weight of the rolls was more than 23 grams.

The relevant law enforcement agencies have been informed of this fact. Liability for this offense is provided for in Art. 309 of the Criminal Code (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or forwarding of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues without the purpose of sale).

The man was handed over to the National Police.

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