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At the “Krakivets” and “Grushiv” checkpoints, the men wanted to hand over a bribe to the border guards for illegal border crossing

At the checkpoints “Krakivets” and “Grushiv” the border guards exposed two citizens who, having no legal grounds for crossing the border, tried to “solve” the issue by bribery.

During border control, a 67-year-old man offered an illegal benefit of $300 for the passage of his 36-year-old son, who is studying at a foreign university, through the border.

In another case, a 57-year-old Ukrainian provided a certificate of a large family for verification. The border guards established that one of the children has already turned 18 years old. In order for the inspector not to notice the year of the child’s birth, the man offered a bribe of 1,000 USD.

In both cases, employees of the State Border Service refused and informed employees of the National Police.

Based on these facts, a notification of the commission of criminal offenses under Art. 369 of the Criminal Code “Offering or providing an unlawful benefit to an official.”

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