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Eight puppies were found in a garbage dump in Chervonohrad

світлина - умовна

світлина - умовна

Employees of Chervonogradzhitlokomunservice KP found eight puppies in a box at the dump

This is already the fourth case of inhumane treatment of animals in Chervonohrad over the past six months. According to the director of the enterprise, Yuriy Kukoba, a letter was sent to the law enforcement agencies based on this fact.

In Ukraine, criminal liability is provided for violation of the law on humane treatment of animals. Therefore, if the law enforcement officers manage to establish the identity of the culprit, he will be punished.

Now the puppies are safe – they are being looked after by the employees of Chervonogradzhitlokomunservice KP. If someone expresses a desire to take a dog home, contact the ChZHKS.

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