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In Sokal, five men were beaten while drinking alcoholic beverages

The attackers face up to ten years in prison. Two perpetrators have already been remanded in custody, the issue of the third suspect is being resolved.

The police received a report from two residents of the city of Sokal, aged 49 and 36, that they were beaten by three assailants at a local car wash.

An investigative team and other employees of the Chervonograd District Police Department worked on the spot. As the law enforcement officers established, the victims were drinking alcoholic beverages with a group of visually familiar persons. Soon after, a conflict arose between the men, as a result of which the three assailants seriously injured the applicants. The identities of the attackers, local residents aged 41, 40 and 37, have been established.

Investigators of the territorial division of the police, under the procedural guidance of the Chervonograd District Prosecutor’s Office, informed all three of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 2 of Article 121 (Intentional grievous bodily harm committed by a group of persons) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for punishment – deprivation of liberty for a term of seven to ten years.

On October 31, one of the attackers, a 41-year-old local resident, was remanded in custody, and the 40-year-old was placed under 24-hour house arrest. The issue of selecting a preventive measure for the third suspect is being resolved.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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