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Since the beginning of the year, the police of the Lviv Region have responded to more than 2,000 reports of domestic violence

If you, your relatives or acquaintances are victims of domestic violence, do not tolerate and do not remain silent – call the hotline 102. We will help!

During the first month of 2023, the police of Lviv Oblast received 2,088 reports of domestic violence. For each such fact, the police conducted checks, as a result of which the offenders were brought to justice.

In particular, investigators of the territorial police units of the Lviv region opened 36 criminal proceedings under Article 126-1 (Domestic violence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and 2 – under Article 390-1 (Failure to implement restrictive measures, restrictive orders or failure to complete a program for offenders) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

In addition, 702 administrative protocols were drawn up under Article 173-2 (Commitment of domestic violence, gender-based violence, failure to comply with an urgent restraining order or failure to report the place of temporary stay) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

Also, 3,185 prohibitory orders were issued against persons who committed domestic violence. In particular, 133 persons were ordered to leave their place of residence, 124 offenders were prohibited from entering and staying at the place of residence of the victim, and another 295 were prohibited from contacting the victim in any way.

As of today, there are 5,336 offenders on preventive registration.

Law enforcement officers remind once again that domestic violence is a crime for which criminal and administrative liability is provided. If you are a victim of domestic violence or you know of such cases involving your relatives or acquaintances, report it to the hotline 102 – the police respond to such reports 24 hours a day.

You can also contact the government domestic violence hotline at 15-47, the free National Domestic Violence Hotline 0800 500 33 53 (landline), 116-123 (mobile), the National Children’s Hotline 0800 500 225 (from stationary), 116 – 111 (from mobile).

You can also report domestic violence in chatbots in the Telegram messenger – @police_helpbot, @UDPLNPBOT, @Non_Violence_Bot.

We are close – we will help!

Communications Department of the Lviv Oblast Police

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