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Drohobych returned to the top 5 most transparent cities in Ukraine – results of the Transparency International study

Every year, the Program of the civil society organization Transparency International Ukraine conducts a ranking study of transparency of Ukrainian cities.

This year, the organization’s analysts evaluated the activities of 80 largest Ukrainian cities, checked 4,000 indicators and presented the results of the study. Drohobych, in the course of the study, returned to the top 5 transparent cities in Ukraine.

The results of the study were announced live today, April 17.

According to the Program experts, the research has been conducted in a slightly different format for two years in a row. In today’s realities, the issue of transparency is a significant challenge for communities, as it is necessary to maintain a balance between security and openness.

Even in the most difficult times for the country, some cities have managed to show decent results and significantly improve their performance. A striking example of this was Drohobych, which demonstrated a double leap and a stunning result – returning to the top 5 transparent cities in Ukraine,” said Anastasia Mazurok, Deputy Executive Director of Operations at TI.

We remind you that in the first year of the full-scale invasion, the city closed a lot of data to comply with security requirements. As a result, this significantly affected the city’s performance in the transparency ranking.

In 2023, Drohobych increased its transparency and openness in the work of the local government and became “transparent” again.

In addition to Drohobych, the top 5 transparent cities in Ukraine include Lviv, Dnipro, Mukachevo, and Ternopil.

Also, according to the study, 23 cities have become partially transparent, and 52 cities are non-transparent.

At the same time, based on the research, the Program is developing recommendations to help cities increase transparency and efficiency in times of war.


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