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Energy companies appealed to the residents of Lviv Oblast for help

Energy experts ask everyone to rationally use electricity during the morning and evening consumption peaks (07:00 – 12:00 and 18:00 – 23:00). After all, repairs are ongoing at power plants and it is necessary to reduce the load on the power system.

At the time of the highest summer electricity consumption, a large-scale repair campaign takes place at power plants, which allows you to prepare for the next heating season.

Power units undergoing repairs cannot produce electricity for some time. This summer, the volume of work will be greater than in previous years due to Russian attacks.

That’s why energy companies need the help of Ukrainians to reduce the load on the power system during the morning and evening peaks.

Keep the rules simple:

if possible, transfer the use of powerful devices from peak morning and evening hours to night, when consumption is low;
try not to turn on powerful appliances at the same time (for example, a boiler and a washing machine);
do not turn on the air conditioner during peak consumption hours. When using an air conditioner, set it to a higher temperature than you are used to;
boil as much water as you need at a specific time. If you have a gas stove, it is better to boil water on it.

Adherence to these principles will make it possible to more evenly distribute electricity consumption, smooth out morning and evening peaks and support energy workers who are preparing for the next winter.

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