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As of September 1, the budget of the Yavoriv district was exceeded by almost 27 percent

For eight months of 2022, the consolidated budget of the Yavoriv district received revenues (not including interbudgetary transfers) in the amount of UAH 1,622,064.5 thousand, against a plan of UAH 1,280,479.1 thousand, or implementation is 126.7%, including: to the general fund – 1599660.4 thousand UAH, with the plan 1261127.4 thousand UAH, or 126.8%, that is, 338533.0 thousand UAH was additionally mobilized over the plan. income As of September 1, 2022, the implementation of the revenue part of the general fund of the district’s consolidated budget is 101.0% of the specified annual targets. The special fund received 22,404.2 thousand hryvnias, while the plan was 19,351.7 thousand hryvnias, or implementation is 115.8%

The district budget received 275.8 thousand hryvnias for January – August 2022, against the plan of 285.0 thousand hryvnias, or implementation is 96.8%. Including: UAH 266,600 went to the general fund of the budget, compared to the plan of UAH 191,700, or 139.1%, that is, UAH 74,900 was additionally mobilized over the plan. income By annual appointments, the revenue part of the general fund of the district budget is 88.9%. The special fund received 9.3 thousand hryvnias, with a refined plan of 93.3 thousand hryvnias, or implementation is 9.9%.

In general, among the local councils, the Ivano-Frankivsk settlement council coped best with filling the budget, in which the general budget fund received 131.9% of the planned amount of income for September 1, 2022, or 39,972.8 thousand UAH was mobilized in excess of the plan . income 131.8% of the planned revenues, or UAH 140,122.7 thousand, went to the general fund of the Novoyavoriv City Council budget. more than the plan for the reporting period. The Yavoriv City Council’s budget received 126.4% of the plan for September 1, 2022, or an additional 146,406.4 thousand UAH was mobilized. The budget of the Mostyska City Council received 110.9% of the planned income for the reporting period, or UAH 8,080,000. over plan 109.5% of the planned amount of income for September 1, 2022, or UAH 2,351,700, came to the budget of Sudovyshnya City Council. over plan To the Shegyniv village budget – 103.6% of the planned allocations, or 1524.5 thousand hryvnias. over plan

Revenues to the special budget fund in the Ivano-Frankivsk settlement council exceeded the planned allocation by 3 times, in the Yavorivsk city council by 2.4 times, and in the Mostysk city council by 1.7 times the plan. In the Novoyavorivska City Council, 101.8% of the planned allocations went to the special fund of the budget, in Sudovyvishnyanska – 52.4 percent, in the Shegynivska Village Council – 41.3 percent.

As of September 1, 2022, there is no creditor debt for wages and other social payments from the local budget in the Yavoriv district. Financing of all priority current expenses is carried out in accordance with monthly schedules of allocations.

Head of financial management I. Masiuk

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