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Lviv will support local entrepreneurs who will manufacture prostheses and parts for them

The Lviv community has introduced a new, thirteenth type of voucher – the Lviv Prosthesis. Financial support from the city in the amount of up to UAH 300,000 will be available exclusively to local entrepreneurs who have the ability to design or manufacture prostheses or individual parts to order from prosthetic workshops.

The relevant decision was supported at the plenary session of the City Council on 8 February by amending the Regulation on Voucher Support for Business during Martial Law.

In particular, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can receive a voucher for the following purposes

– product design and prototyping, including 3D design and printing;

– manufacturing of prostheses or individual prosthetic parts;

– expenses for the purchase of equipment, development of test samples for experiments and research for the manufacture and processing of prosthetic devices.

– costs of conformity certification and other permits.

The Lviv City Council’s Economic Development Department explains that the Lviv Prosthesis voucher will provide a full cycle of production and subsequent certification of prosthetic devices. This, in turn, will reduce the cost of the prosthesis. It is also expected that voucher support will encourage local producers to re-profile their own production.

“We expect that developers will apply for such support to manufacture parts and, in the future, possibly launch the entire production cycle. We hope that the voucher will stimulate the development of such production in the community,” said Inna Svystun, Head of the Economic Development Department of Lviv City Council.

According to the procedure, an application for voucher support must be approved by a qualification commission. The manufacturer will receive compensation from the city after the finished product is transferred to prosthetic workshops free of charge, based on the relevant acts.

As a reminder, in 2023, Lviv City Council provided 492 vouchers worth UAH 46.4 million from the city budget to support businesses. For more information on the voucher support for small and medium-sized businesses provided by the city during martial law, please follow the link.

By the way, among the 13 vouchers already available to support community entrepreneurs, there is a voucher for veterans and their spouses to start or develop their own business. Earlier, we told you about the businesses of veterans and their wives supported by the city: a beauty salon run by veteran Lyudmyla Bednarska, a rehabilitation room run by veteran Oleh Zayets, the Garden of Dreams run by veteran Andrii Drobit, a volunteer car service run by veteran Stanislav Lisovyi, an eco-farm run by veteran Roman Kachalaba, a creative workshop run by veteran Maryna Titarenko and the Spalakh photo studio run by veteran Roman Paramushchak.

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