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Lvivoblenergo has published updated schedules of hourly power outages in Lviv and the region


“Lvivoblenergo has updated its hourly outage schedules, taking into account the significant daily volume of power outages ordered by NPC Ukrenergo due to the power shortage.

Why have the schedules been updated?

The scope of the restrictions set by NPC Ukrenergo for Lviv and the region could not be covered by the previous schedules. Therefore, they had to be updated.

Has the number of outage groups (queues) changed?

The number of groups (queues) in the hourly schedule and the affiliation of consumers to them has not changed – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2.

How are the updated schedules formed?

The updated schedules are based on the previous ones. The key difference is that additional cells “Possible outages” (white) have been added, replacing some of the green cells (energy available).

What do the cells in the graph mean?

Red cell (No power) – switched off when the 1st stage of the LMP is applied by order of NPC Ukrenergo.

White cell (Possible shutdown) – possible shutdown when 2-3 stages of the GWP are used at the order of NPC Ukrenergo.

Green cell (Power available) – electricity is supplied.

How can I find out how many shutdown queues are used in Lviv and the region?

Information on the introduction or cancellation of hourly outage schedules and their volumes per day can be found on the website and official pages of Lvivoblenergo in social networks, as well as NPC Ukrenergo.

The use of a single queue means a blackout only in the red “zone” of the schedule (“No power”), while the use of two or three queues of blackouts is likely to mean a blackout during both the red and white “zones” (“Possible blackouts”).

How do I find out my outage group?

You can find out your disconnection group with the help:

Lvivoblenergo website, section “Why is there no power outage”:
🔶Lvivoblenergo chatbot in Viber (for household consumers):
🔶Lvivoblenergo chatbot in Telegram (for household consumers):
🔷Lvivoblenergo Business chatbot in Viber (for legal consumers):
🔷Lvivoblenergo Business chatbot in Telegram (for legal consumers):

How to prevent outages?

You should use electricity sparingly and avoid switching on powerful electrical appliances whenever possible.

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