For the period of martial law, the Lviv Regional Military Administration has developed a Business Support Program. It can be used by companies relocated from other regions of Ukraine, as well as entrepreneurs who worked in the region before the war.
“The program is designed as an auxiliary tool to the initiatives already implemented by the state in terms of reducing the tax burden, interest-free loans and more. Its main task is to support business, which in today’s conditions is quite difficult. In particular, it is support for relocated enterprises, export potential, creation of new jobs in the Lviv region, “said First Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration Andriy Godyk.
The approximate financial resource, which was primarily invested in the Program, is UAH 50 million.
“Based on the results of the Program, we plan to create more than 2,500 additional jobs. It will be able to cover 250 businesses. With such additional measures, we want to intensify business activities, including those enterprises that currently provide and relocate from other areas, “Andriy Godyk added.
The program will work through three instruments: non-repayable financial assistance to relocated manufacturing enterprises, voucher support for marketing or certification services, non-refundable financial assistance for the purchase of equipment in certain industries.
“Yes, non-refundable financial assistance to relocated production enterprises is 100 thousand hryvnias, provided that the enterprise is re-registered in the Lviv region. The company will also receive an additional UAH 100,000 if it creates at least 20 new jobs, ”said Orest Hryniv, Deputy Director of the Economic Policy Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
To support micro and small businesses, as well as exporters of Lviv region during martial law, voucher support is provided:
– not more than UAH 50,000 for marketing vouchers;
– not more than 80 thousand UAH for vouchers for product certification.
The share of economic expenses of economic entities for the provision of services must be at least 30% of the total costs.
“The third task is to support the enterprises of Lviv region in the food, light and machine-building industries. We also provide non-refundable financial assistance to such companies in the amount of not more than UAH 500,000 for the purchase of equipment. There is also a condition to create at least 5 jobs, “Orest Hryniv explained.
Mandatory requirement for participation in the program – registration of the enterprise in the Lviv region.
“This applies to those who have already been registered in the Lviv region by February 24, as well as those who move to us from other regions. This should be a mutually beneficial cooperation. In fact, on the one hand, we provide financial support to enterprises, on the other hand, enterprises that have registered here in the form of taxes and fees will actually fill local budgets, “said Andriy Godyk.
Today, the program is being approved and entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of its opportunities in the near future.