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A startup project competition is starting in Lviv region

A mandatory condition for participation is to attract co-financing funds for its implementation through the “Starter” crowdfunding platform selected by the department.

The Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional Military Administration, as part of the implementation of the Program for the Promotion of Innovative and Scientific and Technological Development in the Lviv Region for 2021-2025, is launching a competition for start-up projects for subjects of micro and small business, enterprises, institutions, organizations of state and communal forms property, natural persons-entrepreneurs who are on different taxation systems, registered in the Lviv region.

A mandatory condition for the participation of a startup project in the competitive selection is the attraction of co-financing funds for its implementation through the “Starter” crowdfunding platform selected by the department.

Terms of co-financing:

no more than UAH 300,000 – the amount of co-financing of one project;
no more than 50% – funds from the regional budget;
not less than 50% – funds of the participant;

Startup projects must correspond to the thematic direction “Military and/or dual purpose”.

The author of the startup project registers it on the crowdfunding platform “Starter”, after the project has collected 10% of the cost of co-financing, the author of the project submits a package of documents to the department for participation in the competitive selection.

Step-by-step instructions:

1) Registration of projects on the platform

2) 10% of the total cost of the project is raised by the author on the platform

3) Submission of a package of documents to the Department

4) Selection and evaluation of projects

5) Determination of applicants for co-financing

7) 50% of the total cost of the project is raised by the author on the platform

8) The author of the project (SPD) concludes a contract with the operator of the Internet platform

9) The author of the project concludes a contract with the Department

Contest participants submit the following documents:

the application, certified by the signature of the Contest participant (Appendix 8);
a completed declaration of integrity of the Contest participant (Appendix 9);
extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs and Public Organizations (USR).

Sample documents at the link. Contest participants must submit the specified documents in paper and electronic form to the department of economic policy of the regional state administration at the address: Lviv, st. 18 Vynnychenka St., room 423 and to the email address:

The competitive selection is announced from June 28, 2023 and continues continuously, subject to the availability of financial resources.


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