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A pilot project of the Ministry of Veterinary Affairs of the Institute of the Veteran’s Caretaker is starting in Lviv region

The Ministry of Veterans jointly with the dotichnym ministries and the power departments have expanded the current system of transition from military service to civil life.

In the Lviv region, a project was presented to the Cabinet of Ministers for the creation of an institute for a veteran’s assistant in communities. Tsya strategy may be on the basis of the process of adaptation in the peaceful life of the participants in the fighting. Talk about psychological rehabilitation and proper medical care, education and training, training in the beginnings and development of veterans’ hospitality, housing security, social guarantees.

“After the victory of Ukraine in the war, the number of veterans will increase exponentially. All of these people will need to be turned to a peaceful life and given different tools for self-realization in their communities, in the economy of the country. One of the most important of them is to provide a comprehensive rehabilitation of cihs. The strategy for the transition from the military career to civil life is a fundamental institutional reform, as to allow the integration to the civil life of participants in combat operations, military servicemen, who served as members of their families. The state can formulate a system and analyze: where will our warriors go after military service. And also give all the necessary tools for a trouble-free reintegration to a peaceful life, and a complete warehouse rehabilitation complex,” said Yuliya Laputina, the minister on the right of veterans of Ukraine, as she visited Lviv region this year.

Nevdovzі in Ukraine starts a pilot project of the Ministry of Veterans of the Institute of Veteran’s Caretaker. Yoga is implemented in 4 regions: Lviv, Vinnytsia, Mykolaiv and Dnipropetrovsk.

This project transfers individual support to veterans in the process of transition from military service to civilian life. I’ll go about directing you to help me in otrimanny dovodok, I’ll help you to go through the qualification advancement program, or, for example, to certify the newcomers, where to practice and get a lot of other services.

“You need food, as if you are blaming a veteran – you are guilty of support and encouragement from the side of such a helper. Vіd vіdpіdatіmе for the song іn kіlіst veteranіv іn the community,” Yuliya Laputіna added.

In the equal regions of the veteran’s possible helpers, prepare at the centers of veteran development on the basis of the designated pledges of higher education. Create them one at a time for each of the designated areas, including those in the Lviv region. In partnership with the Ministry of Education, develop special training programs for the preparation of fahivtsiv from the accompaniment of war veterans and members of their homelands.

Candidates for the memorial service veterans are guilty of the bulk of Ukraine, Ukrainian citizens, live in the territorial community, run a pilot project, mothers of enlightenment are no lower than a young bachelor. Priority is given to veterans and veteran women, who are supposed to be so blessed, as well as members of their families and homelands of fallen soldiers. The pilot project plans to prepare 400 such assistants.

At the same time, a service office will be organized in the communities of these regions, and such helpers will be trained. Vіn coordinating їhnyu diyalnіst, zabezpechuvatim vzaymodіyu z usіma sovereign and non-state institutions for the transfer of quiet services, as they will be pressed. The service office also monitors the implementation of the veterans’ policy in the region, needs the veterans and the best services, and gives them. The first such offices will be ordered from the grassroots.

“We can already see the veterans of the ATO / OOS, members of their homelands and homelands of the Heavenly Hundred. This is an even more folded and overfolding robot. Our zavdannya, like once, so and at once – show them the high level of courage to their feat. And you can raise money, having added, on equal powers of the regions, about their good work, rehabilitation, and the provision of medical services for other services. Mustache communities are guilty of joining the whole process. On the regional level, we are responsible for those that all veterans in all communities have little equal access to support programs. To butt, at TsNAPs, they can announce “veterans’ notices”, so as to actively promote with newly created service offices and give veterans all the necessary information,” Ivan Sobko, the intercessor of the head of the Lviv OVA, voiced.

Financing the Institute of the Veteran’s Caretaker was transferred for the cost of the state budget, public budgets and partners for the development. At the stage of the experiment, the salary of a veteran’s assistant is on average 16,000 hryvnias and at a price of ¾ groschen, mortgaged in the state budget, transferred by the Ministry to the right of veterans of Ukraine for 2023.


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