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A record number of stroke cases per day was recorded in Lviv Region

The number of stroke cases is increasing in the region.

The number of stroke cases is increasing in Lviv Oblast. This was reported in the Lviv Regional Center of Emergency Medical Aid and Disaster Medicine. In July, 682 stroke calls were registered in the region, in August – 748, in September – 751, in October – 804 cases.

And on Tuesday, November 14, 49 cases were diagnosed at once during the day – this, the service says, is a record.

“Practically every shift, we visit patients whose symptoms show signs of a stroke. If it was once believed that these were exclusively older people and patients with many concomitant diseases, then such a picture does not correspond to the present time. Strokes have significantly “rejuvenated”. It affects the situation in the country, the state of mental health of citizens,” said Zoryana Opalynska, an emergency medicine doctor at Substation No. 3 in Lviv.

A stroke is an acute disruption of cerebral blood circulation that causes the death of brain tissue. It is also called a vascular disaster.

Medical professionals use the acronym BRAIN to identify the signs of a stroke, where:

M – SPEECH of a person is disturbed, becomes unintelligible

O – the FACE is asymmetrical, the person cannot smile

C – Dizziness that occurs suddenly

O – EYES, vision deteriorates sharply

K – EXTREMITIES cannot be felt, are numb, a person cannot raise an arm or a leg, or one arm or leg is too weak and does not move.

Doctors explain that stroke can be prevented by simple and effective methods. These are blood pressure control, sugar control – if you have diabetes, cholesterol control, regular visits to your family doctor, an active lifestyle, and smoking cessation.

“Every person should know how to recognize a stroke. I believe that this should be the duty not only of doctors, but also the duty of every average citizen. To respond in time, to work, not to lose this therapeutic window – then there is a high probability of avoiding everything that is so feared from a stroke: long-term paralysis and disability,” explained the doctor.

Doctors advise those who find themselves near a person whose symptoms indicate signs of a stroke not to increase stress with their behavior, but to calmly help and call 103.


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