The finance department of the Lviv Regional Government Office presented operational results of the implementation of budgets by income for August 1.
The general fund of local budgets of Lviv Oblast received UAH 15.1 billion in taxes. This is UAH 3.9 billion or 34% more than revenues for the corresponding period last year (on June 1, the growth was 29%, on July 1 – 32%). The seven-month plan was exceeded by 11% or UAH 1.5 billion. 63.7% of annual planned tasks have already been completed.
The regional budget received UAH 2.5 billion in taxes, which is 139% of the revenues for the corresponding period of 2021 and 115% of the plan for January-July of this year. (UAH 331 million was received above the plan).
The taxpayers of Lviv Oblast added UAH 36.8 billion in taxes to the state budget, which is UAH 8.1 billion or 28% more compared to the same period in 2021.