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Entrepreneurs from the Lviv region are invited to training on obtaining grants

As part of the program “Financial Opportunities for Strengthening Ukrainian Entrepreneurship”, 30 trainings are planned to be held in 73 communities of the Lviv region.

According to the results of the Invest Office’s research among entrepreneurs in Lviv Oblast, only 10% of respondents used grants and other types of non-refundable financing. This is due to a lack of information and experience in using such tools.

In order to overcome this challenge, the Invest Office together with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine, with the financial support of the European Union, developed a training program for micro, small and medium-sized businesses “Financial Opportunities for Strengthening Ukrainian Entrepreneurship”. As part of the implementation of the program, 30 trainings are planned for businessmen and businesswomen from 73 territorial communities of the Lviv region.

During training, the business will gain valuable knowledge about how and where to look for financial opportunities; learns about the nuances and rules of writing grant applications; in practice will try to figure out how to find additional financing.

Participants of training can be persons who are owners or employees of enterprises or are natural persons-entrepreneurs. Participation is free with prior registration.

We invite business to join the events! Every Monday, we will share information about the planned training for the coming week. Follow the news on the resources of the Regional State Administration and the Invest Office so you don’t miss the training in your community!

We share a digest of the planned training sessions in the period from April 17 to 23, 2023:

April 19, 12:00 – training in the city of Pustomyty for entrepreneurs of Pustomytivska and Shchyretska TG
April 20, 12:00 – training in Zhovkva for entrepreneurs of Zhovkivska, Dobrosynsko-Magerivska, Rava-Ruska and Kulikivska TGs
April 21, 12:00 – training in the village Novy Yarychiv for entrepreneurs of Novoyarychivska, Murovanska and Pidbereztsivska TGs

Registration form for the offline event:

After registration, our manager will call you and confirm your participation. If you have additional questions, contact the phone number below.

Contact person: Stepan Rishko, manager of the Invest office, +38 096 187 71 13

The event is organized by the Invest Office team with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine within the framework of the UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding with the financial support of the European Union.


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