The region is one of the leaders in terms of the number of places for providing administrative services among other regions of Ukraine.
One of the important goals of the implementation of the Regional Informatization Program “Digital Lviv Region” is the development of a network of proper CNAs in the territorial communities of the region. In accordance with the legal requirements, each capable community must create a CNAP.
A feature of the last two years has been their formation in TG, an increase in the number of administrative services that must be provided, the creation of territorial divisions and remote workplaces of administrators.
On March 14, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 230 and made changes to the Procedure for the Implementation of the Powers of the State Treasury Service. The changes will make it possible to use the remaining subventions from the state budget, as well as funds from the regional and local budgets for the development of the TsNAP network. For more details, see the link.
We remind you that Lviv Oblast is one of the leaders in terms of the number of places for providing administrative services among oblasts. As of the beginning of this year, 250 relevant centers have been created in the communities of Lviv region, in particular, 59 TsNAPs, 16 TPs, 174 VRMs and 1 mobile TsNAP.
Subjects of appeals received 723,762 services during the year, the main number of which (almost 74%) refers to the most requested groups, in particular: registration of place of residence, acts of civil status, business, real estate, services of a social nature and related to land issues, passport services.