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In Lviv, border guards told about service and vacancies

Today, at the Recruitment Centre of the Ukrainian Army in Lviv, servicemen of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment told about the service and current vacancies in the ranks of the border guards. There were also soldiers who have already signed a contract for service.

“The State Border Guard Service is a special-purpose law enforcement agency that, along with other defence forces, performs tasks to repel armed aggression on the eastern borders of our country. Despite this, the main task of the Border Guard Service has not been removed – it is to protect the state border, ensure border crossing operations on the western border, and prevent illegal activities on the border. To become a border guard, anyone can apply to us and go through the selection stages,” said Oleg Burdeinyi, head of the recruitment department of the 7th Carpathian border guard detachment.

Serhii Stepanov, Deputy Head of the Recruitment Department of the 7th Carpathian Border Guard Detachment, spoke about the vacancies and opportunities of the service.

“We have a very wide range of positions – from a cook to the financial and economic department, from a doctor to a border guard serving at the state border. That’s why we need different specialists, and we will find a vacant position for everyone according to their speciality and experience: a driver, a rifleman, a grenade launcher assistant, etc. There is no such thing as a position for only drivers, because everything is constantly changing, some people transferred, some resigned due to age or family circumstances, so we are constantly recruiting,” said Stepanov.

The minimum contract is 3 years, so the age limit is 57 years, so that a soldier can serve these 3 years. At the same time, a 1-year contract can be signed by anyone aged 18 to 25, as well as those with a psychological or medical degree.

Among those who signed a contract with the border guard detachment today is Volodymyr, who worked in a vehicle repair service before the war and was already repairing equipment for the military when the great war began.

“I feel that my time has come to defend the country. My brother is also a border guard, so I’m going to serve here too. Before the war, I used to work in an Apple repair service, and when the war started, we started repairing drones and equipment for the military, and we are still doing it today. I plan to use these skills in the service. We all need to go to defend our country, sooner or later everyone has to do it,” said Vladimir.

Also today, Bohdan, an IT specialist, signed a contract for service. He says that his professional skills and knowledge of languages can also be useful in the service.

“I’m still deciding what position I’ll take. I have experience as a QA engineer, I worked with gaming programs, checked them, and I think my skills from my previous job will be useful. I also know several languages, and I think this will also be useful in the work of a border inspector. I decided to benefit the state directly, because if we don’t go out and do our best, the enemy will come to us. I would advise everyone to go to a recruitment centre – they will help you find a vacancy and a position, and they do not cooperate with the TCC – and some people are afraid of them. They will help you, they will call you directly from the unit, and you can arrange an interview, talk about different positions that may be suitable for you,” Bohdan said.

On 12 February, the first recruitment centre of the Ukrainian army was opened in Lviv. Here you can find out all the latest information about vacancies in the army, talk to representatives of brigades and choose your desired profession in the army. It is important to note that the centre is not affiliated with the TCC structures, and the recruiters themselves are not military personnel, so they do not issue draft notices, but only provide advice.

The centre is located at 67 Kostya Levytskoho Street. For more information, please call: 0673001563; (032) 254 62 81; (032) 254 62 80.

By the way, there are also recruitment centres in Lviv for the 24th Separate Mechanised Brigade named after King Danylo, the Azov Special Forces Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine, the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Da Vinci Wolves Battalion.

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