Until the 34th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Republic of Afghanistan, which is celebrated on February 15, the city will pay financial aid to Afghan soldiers and members of the families of the dead who live in the Lviv community and are registered in the social security departments. In total, 1,247 people will receive funds. 1,350,000 hryvnias were provided for these payments in the budget of Lviv MTG.
As reported in the social protection department of the LMR, one-time financial assistance will be received by:
– persons who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan, participants in hostilities: 751 soldiers will receive such assistance for UAH 1,000 each;
– persons with disabilities of the 1st group who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan: 10 such Afghan soldiers live in the Lviv MTG, and they will receive 2,500 hryvnias of material assistance each;
– persons with disabilities of the 2nd group who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan: 168 soldiers live in the Lviv MTG – they will be paid UAH 1,500 each;
– persons with disabilities of the 3rd group who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan: 228 persons will receive such assistance in the amount of 1,000 hryvnias;
– family members of dead (deceased) persons who took part in hostilities on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan: 89 persons will receive such assistance for 1,000 hryvnias each;
– the mother of a combatant who died during the war on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan: she will receive 5,000 hryvnias.
The day of commemoration of the participants in hostilities on the territory of other states is celebrated annually on February 15. The day was established in Ukraine in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the Day of Commemoration of Combatants in the Territory of Other States” dated February 11, 2004 No. 180/2004. February 15 was usually marked as the Day of the end of the armed intervention in Afghanistan.