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A communal market will be built in Lviv on Sadova-Petliura Street

A communal market will be built in Lviv on Sadova-Petliura Street: when will work begin?

Tomorrow, 25 June, the construction of a communal market at 2A Sadova Street, Petliury Street, will begin in Lviv. The work will be financed by a private investor.

Entrepreneurs of Lubinske Siyivo LLC will move to the newly built market premises, and a public space will be built on the vacated space – also at private expense.

“We are coming to the end of a very long and difficult process that has been going on for almost 10 years. Here, on Sadova Street, there is an insufficiently well-maintained market, and there was a long debate because the city sees it as a high-quality public space. In the end, we found a way out of this situation. So, a communal market will be built on the neighbouring land plot and those entrepreneurs who are currently working nearby will move to this communal market, meaning that all jobs will be saved there, and the current market will be replaced by a high-quality public space.

“The advantage of this project is that we have an investor, an entrepreneur who has agreed to finance the construction of this market at his own expense, understanding social responsibility. The market will remain a municipal market built at private expense, meaning that the city will not spend a single penny on it,” said Liubomyr Zubach, Deputy Mayor of Lviv for Urban Development.

In addition to the villagers, there are currently over 80 entrepreneurs at the market. They sell mostly produce, but there are also a few sellers of industrial goods.

“We expect that all the people who work for us today, as well as the villagers, will be accommodated in the new market. We understand that the area will be smaller, it will be cramped somewhere, but in return there will be better conditions than in the open air,” says Zinoviy Sidorsky, director of Lubinske Siyivo LLC.

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