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Ukrainian-Austrian Association wants to create a number of small hydropower plants in Lviv region

This was announced by the head of the Lviv Regional Association of Ukrainians Maksym Kozytskyi during a meeting with the president of the Ukrainian-Austrian Association Alfred Praus.

“I think the idea is quite viable. But the investor must have the proper documentation, find a manufacturer of equipment that will allow it to be operated in Ukraine, justify the price, and enter into a loan agreement with a bank. Then this project will be an interesting case,” the head of the region said.
Read more about the areas of cooperation:

Lviv region is interested in trade contacts and the possibility of exporting products to international markets. We want not only to expand the range of products but also to improve technological processes in the food industry. We want to focus on organic products and deep processing to meet the demand of European consumers for high-quality products.

We have expertise in electrical engineering, which allows us not only to attract the attention of partners and investors but also to compete in the global market. It is important to utilize this potential.

We are also interested in building new plants because it means jobs, salaries, and taxes paid. This is an important investment in the sustainability of our country.

“We agreed that Mr. Alfred would take a closer look at our proposals, and we would take a closer look at his, and we will return to the issue of cooperation in the near future. In particular, with the involvement of the Investor Support Office, which operates under the Lviv Regional State Administration and helps potential investors at all stages: from finding a site to establishing partnership contacts and sales,” added Maksym Kozytskyi.

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