The work is being carried out with funds from the regional environmental protection fund.
In 2023, the project “Reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities in the village of Davydiv of the Davydivska village council of the OTG of the Pustomytiv district of the Lviv region”.
The goal is to restore physically outdated sewage treatment facilities with a total capacity of 500 m3/day for the treatment of household wastewater from the village of Davydiv.
We will remind: In Pustomyty, works on the reconstruction of sewage treatment facilities are ongoing
During the reconstruction of the CHP, the main emphasis is placed on increasing the energy efficiency of the equipment, the structural reliability of the objects, the throughput capacity of the settlement’s drainage system, and reducing the concentration of pollutants in wastewater.
“As of today, the wastewater treatment facilities of the village Davidov is in an unsatisfactory condition. As a result of the implementation of the project, it is planned to increase the efficiency of cleaning of economic and domestic wastewater and reduce the concentration of pollutants in wastewater before its discharge into the watercourse of the Davydivka River of the Dniester River Basin. And this is the main goal of the implementation of such projects – to stop the pollution of water bodies,” said the acting director. Oksana Viytyk, Director of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources.
For the implementation of the works and their completion in 2023, financing of 19 million UAH and co-financing from the local budget in the amount of 8 million UAH have been provided from the regional environmental protection fund.
It is planned to carry out dismantling work, purchase and installation of the “UMKA-BIO” installation, construction and repair work of the production building, installation of technological equipment, automation of production technology, laying of external power supply networks and external technological communications, improvement of the territory.