Today, at the session of the Lviv City Council, the resolution “On Amendments to the Budget of the Lviv City Territorial Community for 2023” was adopted. The resolution, with amendments, was supported by 43 deputies.
“According to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 10, 2023 No. 209-r “On approval of the distribution in 2023 of the volume of additional subsidies from the state budget to local budgets for the exercise of the powers of local self-government bodies in the de-occupied, temporarily occupied and other territories of Ukraine that have experienced negative influence in connection with the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation” a subsidy in the amount of 54 million 412.4 thousand UAH is provided for the budget of Lviv MTG.
In accordance with the order of the head of the Lviv Regional Military Administration dated 21.02.2023 No. 76/0/5-23BA “On the redistribution of subvention” and dated 27.02.2023 No. 94/0/5-23BA “On the allocation of subvention from the regional budget” for the budget of the Lviv MTG provided for subventions in the amount of 7 million 863.1 thousand UAH, including for:
– to provide state support to persons with special educational needs in the amount of UAH 7 million 812 thousand;
– for reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of benefits for housing and communal services, solid fuel and liquefied gas, for communication services to the families of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred in the amount of UAH 51.1 thousand.
Due to the allocation of the free remaining funds of the general fund as of January 1, 2023, it is proposed to increase the expenditures of the general fund of the budget of the Lviv MTG for 2023 by the amount of UAH 2 million 283.9 thousand, including:
– to the Department of the “Administration of the City Mayor” in the amount of UAH 912.6 thousand to pay off debts incurred as of January 1, 2023;
– to the Department of Economic Development in the amount of 1 million 371.3 thousand UAH for the repayment of debts under the Program for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship Development in Lviv MTG for 2023-2025, which was formed as of 01.01.2023.
According to the proposals of the main managers of funds, it is proposed to redistribute the expenses of the budget of the Lviv MTG for 2023, namely: due to the reduction of the expenses foreseen for the “Education” branch, the expenses should be increased:
– to the sports administration for the implementation of the Program of support for public organizations of the sports sector for the purchase of sports uniforms and sports equipment for the years 2023-2025 – in the amount of 4 million 500 thousand UAH,” the explanatory note to the resolution says.