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Announcement of the work of the Coordination and Consulting Center at the Chervonohrad RVA for the current week

Tuesday (August 15)

The Norwegian Refugee Council will hold an information session on the topic: “Changes to the procedure for assigning benefits and accommodation for IDPs (from August 1 and September 1).

11.00-14.00 – The charity organization “International Solidarity” will conduct registration for financial assistance (Chervonohradsk TG).

Address delivery of humanitarian aid for less mobile and vulnerable categories of IDPs (Sokal TG).


Wednesday (August 16)

11.30-15.00 – a psychologist will work and a medical examination will be carried out Première Urgence Internationale – Ukraine

10.00-17.00 – delivery of targeted humanitarian aid for the less mobile and vulnerable categories of IDPs of the Lopatinsk TG (BO “International Charity”).


Thursday (August 17)

The “Sunnyashnyk” mobile brigade of the NGO Center “Women’s Perspectives” will work.


Friday (August 18)

12:30-3:00 p.m. – distribution of humanitarian aid to vulnerable categories (Jesuit Service for Refugees).


The center is located in the People’s House of the city of Chervonograd at the address: prospect. Shevchenko 15 (3rd floor, room 15A).

Contact phone number: 0674710334

You can register for a consultation by filling out the form online

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