Due to temperature fluctuations, snow and icicles may fall from the roofs of buildings.
We urge the residents of Lviv region to be very careful and not to walk close to houses, and also to cross the road only in specially designated places.
“Due to temperature differences, accumulations of snow and icicles form on the roofs of buildings. Melting, they can break and fall, thus posing a danger to pedestrians. This is especially dangerous in the old quarters of the city, where the sidewalks are directly adjacent to the houses. Therefore, we urge our residents to be careful”, – the department for emergency situations, civil protection of the population and territorial defense of the Lviv City Council appeals.
In order to avoid falling snow and icicles from the roofs, citizens are advised to follow the basic safety rules:
– when passing by houses or tall trees, it is necessary to make sure that there is no threat of falling accumulations of snow or ice accretions;
– do not walk under the roof of buildings and other structures, as well as under balconies, but choose the safest route through the streets of the city;
– do not go beyond the established fences, and in places where they are absent – pay attention to the presence of dangerous formations of ice and snow on the roofs of buildings and bypass them;
– motor vehicle owners should not park their cars near houses;
– be sure to explain to children the danger of falling snow and icicles.