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In the Lviv region, the memory of the Hero of Ukraine Vyacheslav Chornovol was commemorated

Вшанування В. Чорновола

Вшанування В. Чорновола

On December 24 this year, the famous dissident would have turned 85 years old.

Today in the Lviv region, the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vyacheslav Chornovol – Ukrainian politician, publicist, founder of the political party “People’s Movement of Ukraine” is being celebrated.

It was Vyacheslav Chornovil who was one of the initiators of the Act of Proclamation of Independence of Ukraine on August 24, 1991.

Andriy Godyk, the first deputy head of Lviv OVA, joined the commemoration of Chornovol. The participants of the event, accompanied by the vocal accompaniment of the “Dudaryk” chapel, laid flowers at the monument to the outstanding Ukrainian in Lviv’s “Na Valakh” park.

Those present also had the opportunity to listen to an audio recording of one of Vyacheslav Chornovol’s speeches about the future of Ukraine.

“Ukraine should be a country of full democracy. That democracy, which is the heritage of civilization today. This should be an open society, we will not be closed off from anyone, we will be masters of our land, we will decide our own politics, economy, etc. It should be a society of peace – both social peace and national peace,” Chornovil noted in one of the interviews in the 1990s.

We will remind that Vyacheslav Chornovil died in a car accident in March 1999. Buried at Baikovo Cemetery in Kyiv.

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