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“Atlas of minerals” was presented in Stryshchyna

The experts of the Institute of Geology prepared and presented the important project in the Stryi City Council.

Experts have estimated that 63 fields with deposits of oil and gas, raw materials for construction materials, mining and chemical raw materials and underground water are registered within the boundaries of the Stryi territorial community, but only 39 of them are being developed. The Atlas included 69 objects, which were divided into categories by types of minerals.

“For the community, this Atlas is very important, because it is aimed at attracting investors to develop the community’s resource potential. From now on, the community has received a symbolic key to the natural wealth hidden in the bowels of our land,” said the Stryi District Military Administration.

You can familiarize yourself with the Atlas at the Department of Industry, Agrarian Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Stryi City Council.

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