The weather in the region will be influenced by the rear part of a cyclone located over the East European Plain.
Weather Conditions in Lviv Region
- Cloudiness: Cloudy with occasional clearings.
- Precipitation: Intermittent rain.
- Wind: Westerly, 9–14 m/s, with gusts up to 15–20 m/s.
- Temperature:
- At night: +2…+7°C.
- During the day: +4…+9°C.
- Visibility: Reduced during rainfall.
Weather in Lviv City
- Temperature:
- At night: +4…+6°C.
- During the day: +6…+8°C.
- Atmospheric pressure:
- Stable at night, gradually increasing during the day.
- Humidity: Relative humidity will remain largely unchanged.
Warning About Hazardous Meteorological Conditions
Strong gusts of westerly winds reaching 15–20 m/s are expected across the Lviv region, including the city of Lviv.
- Hazard Level: Level I (Yellow).
Take precautions and adhere to safety measures, especially during periods of strong wind gusts.