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During the 24-hour shift, firefighters of the Lviv region extinguished 6 fires of various types

Firefighters of the Lviv region during their daily duty from July 9 to July 10 made 6 trips to eliminate fires.

No one was injured as a result of the occupation.

Emergency services saved 2 buildings from destruction by fire.

The rescuers of the Lviv Region once again remind the fire safety rules:
• do not smoke in bed;
• monitor the condition and serviceability of the power grid;
• when leaving the premises, do not leave TVs, irons, heaters, etc. on;
• do not leave minor children unattended, and do not allow them to play with matches;
• try to avoid overloading electrical networks, do not turn on high-power household electrical consumers at the same time.

Take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones.

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