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Forecasters announced a storm warning on the territory of Lviv Region

According to the forecast of the Lviv Regional Center for Hydrometeorology, squalls of 15-20 m/s, hail and thunderstorms are expected in Lviv today and tomorrow, August 27-28.

We urge everyone to pay attention to the weather forecast and be careful.

In particular, the city administration for emergency situations, civil protection of the population and territorial defense reminds the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm. So if you:

· at home – close all windows and doors so that there is no draft, because it attracts ball lightning; turn off all electrical devices from the network – they attract lightning, including the phone – there is a risk of being struck by lightning during a conversation;

· on the street – do not hide under trees, because they attract lightning; there is also a danger of falling heavy branches that can break from gusts of wind and cause damage; avoid metal fences, billboards, walls near which trees grow, street lamps, metal towers, power poles and, in no case, do not open an umbrella if you have it with you – metal rods attract discharges;

· in the forest – do not hide on elevations and do not run, be where there are low trees; oak, poplar, pine and spruce conduct electricity the most, willow, maple and bushes conduct the least;

· in the field – find a recess in the ground and squat down; it is desirable that this place be dry, because wet ground conducts electricity more strongly.

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