On February 9, at 02:13, rescuers received a report about a fire in the city of Dobromil on the street. Gogol, 30 Sambir district in a one-story wooden residential building, size 7×8 m.
Rescuers from the 57th State Fire and Rescue Station of Dobromil were sent to the scene.
Neighbors reported the fire. They noticed smoke coming out of the windows of the house. The rescuers put on special respiratory and vision protection devices and began work on extinguishing the fire. At the time of the fire, the owner was in the house. The rescuers took the man to fresh air and handed him over to medics.
At 03:03 the fire was localized and at 03:35 it was extinguished as part of the unit of the gas and smoke protection service.
The owner, born in 1958, died in the fire.
The fire destroyed household items on an area of 5 square meters and damaged household items on an area of 38 square meters.
Saved: residential building.
4 personnel and 1 unit of special equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire. The causes of ignition are established.