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A car caught fire while driving in Dvirtsy of the Chervonograd district

On August 29, at 4:55 p.m., the Rescue Service “101” received a report about a fire near the village of Dvirtsi of the Chervonograd district in a VAZ 2107 car.

Firefighters from Velyki Mosty and the operational group of the Chervonohrad district administration were sent to the scene.

As it turned out, the driver of the car saw smoke coming out of the hood while driving and immediately stopped the car. Before the arrival of firefighters, the man tried to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher on his own, but it did not help, and the fire spread quickly. By the time the fire department arrived, the car was engulfed in flames.

Firefighters immediately began work on extinguishing the fire. At 17:07 the fire was localized and at 17:10 it was eliminated. The car was destroyed by fire.

4 personnel and 1 unit of special equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire.
No one was injured as a result of the fire.

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