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A man was rescued during a fire in Lviv

Lviv: during a fire in an apartment, firefighters rescued a man, born in 1976

On August 27, at 21:02, the Rescue Service “101” received a report about a fire in the city of Lviv on the street Kakhovskaya The fire broke out in an apartment on the fourth floor of a four-story residential building.
Rescuers from the 2nd state fire and rescue unit of Lviv went to the scene.

Upon arrival at the place of the call, the rescuers opened the door of the closed apartment where the fire started with the help of a special tool. During the reconnaissance of the smoky apartment, firefighters found a man who was taken out into the fresh air and handed over to medics. After the examination, doctors hospitalized the injured man, born in 1976, in a moderate condition with a diagnosis of poisoning by combustion products in the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital.

At 9:22 p.m., firefighters localized the fire and at 9:23 p.m. extinguished the fire. As a result of the fire, the fire destroyed household items on an area of 2 square meters.

10 personnel and 3 units of special equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire.

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