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The Day of Contemporary Art will be held in Lviv with the participation of Italian and Ukrainian artists

As part of the 23rd Milan Triennale, on October 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the Sheptytskyi Center, the meeting “WHITE HOLE: We want to live” will be held, where Italian and Ukrainian artists and intellectuals will meet.

“Modern art is a powerful tool of cultural diplomacy capable of building a creative bridge between Italy and Ukraine. This event will be the first of a series of events that make up an important project conceived by Gianluigi Ricuperati (Italian writer and curator), in the implementation of which important Ukrainian cultural institutions will be involved in 2023,” comments Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Ukraine Pierre Francesco Zazzo.

The conversation about modern art is a dialogue between cultural and artistic figures of Ukraine and Italy about freedom during the war with a clear message of life, creativity against the horrors of war.

Participants of the dialogue:

Gianluigi Ricuperati is an Italian writer, essayist and curator. He collaborated and collaborates with La Repubblica, D di Repubblica, La Stampa, Abitare, Domus, GQ, Studio, il Domenicale de Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Sole 24 Ore, ITALIC.

· Serhiy Kantsedal is a Ukrainian independent curator living in Italy. He is currently the artistic director and curator of the Associazione Barriera in Turin and the residency HOW YOU DARE/ COME TI PERMETTI? at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan.

· Nikita Kadan, a Ukrainian artist, will talk about his work presented at the Triennale Milano.

Daria Bloom is a visual artist, performer and musician. She was born in Lucerne, Switzerland. Lives and works in London.

Chiara Valerio is an Italian writer, translator, editor, art director, radio presenter.

· Yaryna Grusha – curator of cultural projects, translator, member of the Italian Association of Ukrainian Studies — AISU.

The event in Lviv is organized by the Italian Institute of Culture in Kyiv and Nova Express magazine. Curators: Gianluigi Ricuperati (Ukrainian Pavilion of the Milan Triennale) and Serhii Kancedal.

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