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In Lviv, the Program for holding architectural and urban planning competitions was approved

Today, the executive committee of the Lviv City Council adopted a decision “On the approval of the Program for holding architectural and urban planning competitions for the best project proposals for objects of architecture and urban planning in the territory of the Lviv City Territorial Community for 2023-2025.”

As the chief architect of Lviv, Anton Kolomeytsev, explained, this program is not only about competitions to determine the best proposals for public buildings.

“This program is intended to continue the series of architectural competitions that we have held. I want to emphasize that we are talking about several formats of competitions. These are architectural contests for important public buildings and urban spaces, as well as for streets, in order to find the best solution for a combination of transport modeling, cycling infrastructure, pedestrian spaces and actual green spaces,” explained Anton Kolomeytsev.iv

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