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A round table for heads of condominiums was held in Drohobych

On November 28, a round table on the problems of condominiums, their main tasks and solutions was organized in the premises of “Diya.Center” on the initiative of the CU “Institute of the City of Drohobych” together with the Department of Urban Economy and the Department of Investments and Economic Development.

The event brought together the city leadership and several dozen heads of condominiums in Drohobych and Stebnyk. At the beginning of the dialogue, Drohobych Mayor Taras Kuchma greeted all participants. According to the head of the community, local heads of condominiums today are a kind of assistants of the authorities in matters of a residential and communal nature and the implementation of a number of important projects, especially in matters of thermal modernization of high-rise buildings, etc.

I want to note an important thing – the heads of condominiums have a lot of rights and responsibilities that help us together change our city and make it better. This year, we also went to a meeting with the heads of condominiums – together with our communal services, we started repairing the courtyards and asphalting them. After all, decent landscaping of condominium territories, without a doubt, contributes to a better mood of residents, their comfort and safety.

Therefore, I thank you for your activity, for joining the implementation of important projects in the city. We have a vision for all condominiums in our city to create a plan for themselves and describe how they see the development of their condominium, the owners, and what is necessary to solve certain problems and issues. Yes, together we will be able to move towards positive changes and change our city for the better – Drohobych Mayor Taras Kuchma addressed the audience.

The event was moderated by Taras Perhun, manager of the Institute of the City of Drohobych. He cited data that as of November 1, 2023, 197 condominiums in 229 buildings were registered in the Drohobytsk community, which is 22.1% of the total number of apartment buildings in the city.

Thanks to the activity of the heads of condominiums and the EU/DPN project “Local development focused on the community”, the city has been successfully implementing a project on thermal modernization of residential buildings for several years in a row.

Also, thanks to the project from the Energy Efficiency Fund and the “Energo House” program, two Drohobych high-rise buildings out of 6 selected across Ukraine successfully implemented thermal modernization of their high-rise buildings. Such a step allowed residents to save heat and money spent on energy resources.

Also, during the day, during the round table, a number of other relevant issues for the heads of condominiums were raised and the importance of holding such meetings more often was emphasized.

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